Weitere Literatur zur Hämachromatose
Autor: JUia Dobke, Zuletzt geändert: 28.08.2024 https://kinderblutkrankheiten.de/doi/e277305
- Bardou-Jacquet E, Morandeau E, Anderson GJ, Ramm GA, Ramm LE, Morcet J, Bouzille G, Dixon J, Clouston AD, Lainé F, Turlin B, Powell LW, Deugnier YM: Regression of Fibrosis Stage With Treatment Reduces Long-Term Risk of Liver Cancer in Patients With Hemochromatosis Caused by Mutation in HFE. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association 2020, 18: 1851 [PMID: 31622736]
- Pan Y, Ren Z, Gao S, Shen J, Wang L, Xu Z, Yu Y, Bachina P, Zhang H, Fan X, Laganowsky A, Yan N, Zhou M: Structural basis of ion transport and inhibition in ferroportin. Nature communications 2020, 11: 5686 [PMID: 33173040]
- Aschemeyer S, Qiao B, Stefanova D, Valore EV, Sek AC, Ruwe TA, Vieth KR, Jung G, Casu C, Rivella S, Jormakka M, Mackenzie B, Ganz T, Nemeth E: Structure-function analysis of ferroportin defines the binding site and an alternative mechanism of action of hepcidin. Blood 2018, 131: 899 [PMID: 29237594]
- Ong SY, Gurrin LC, Dolling L, Dixon J, Nicoll AJ, Wolthuizen M, Wood EM, Anderson GJ, Ramm GA, Allen KJ, Olynyk JK, Crawford D, Ramm LE, Gow P, Durrant S, Powell LW, Delatycki MB: Reduction of body iron in HFE-related haemochromatosis and moderate iron overload (Mi-Iron): a multicentre, participant-blinded, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet. Haematology 2017, 4:e607-e614 [PMID: 29195602]
- Ganz T: Hepcidin and iron regulation, 10 years later. Blood 2011, 117: 4425 [PMID: 21346250]
- St Pierre TG, Clark PR, Chua-anusorn W, Fleming AJ, Jeffrey GP, Olynyk JK, Pootrakul P, Robins E, Lindeman R: Noninvasive measurement and imaging of liver iron concentrations using proton magnetic resonance. Blood 2005, 105: 855 [PMID: 15256427]
- McCune CA, Al-Jader LN, May A, Hayes SL, Jackson HA, Worwood M: Hereditary haemochromatosis: only 1% of adult HFEC282Y homozygotes in South Wales have a clinical diagnosis of iron overload. Human genetics 2002, 111: 538 [PMID: 12436244]
- Beutler E, Felitti VJ, Koziol JA, Ho NJ, Gelbart T: Penetrance of 845G--> A (C282Y) HFE hereditary haemochromatosis mutation in the USA. Lancet 2002, 359: 211 [PMID: 11812557]
- Jackson HA, Carter K, Darke C, Guttridge MG, Ravine D, Hutton RD, Napier JA, Worwood M: HFE mutations, iron deficiency and overload in 10,500 blood donors. British journal of haematology 2001, 114: 474 [PMID: 11529872]